This week was really good. We had 33 lessons again. We have
alot of progressing investigators but when we are about to invite them to
baptism with a date, they flake... it sucks, but hopefully we can get 3 or 4 to
accept to baptism with a date before the end of this change and get 1 or 2 to
be baptized. That's our goal is to get 3 or 4 this change and we teach this one
grandma who is sooooo positive and she knows that she needs to get baptized to
change her life and wants to change but...she said she wants to wait a little
bit. so I think the first week of January is good for her. I think she was
thinking like within a few days. Haha, but she loves church. She loves how we
dont clap and yell haha, she is pretty calm and is like a mom to us. She asks
if we need food and how we are doing and what we need help with haha. She is so
nice, she tried to hug my comp the other day haha, and he had to refuse haha.
It was so funny.
These are answers to question I asked Colton. Just random things I wondering.
Q: Did you get your
Christmas packages yet?
A: So I havent
recieved my package yet. Maybe this Thursday or next Thursday. We only recieve
stuff on Thursdays.
Q: What is your
favorite thing about your area?
A: My favorite thing
in this area is the members.
Q: What is your
least favorite thing about your area?
A: My least favorite
thing is the investigators are so difficult... haha they are positive one
lessons and want baptism and then next dont want anything...
Q: Do you get a long
with your companions?
A: Ya, I get along
with my comp for the most part. He is a little different but I love him, he is
my dad haha!
Q: Colton - I want
more pictures! (Not really a question!)
A: I'll send more
pictures mom, dont worry. haha but I cant find wifi to send it... sorry.
Q: What other kind of
foods do you eat?
A: We had Wendys
today, it was super good. a little taste of American! haha. We eat alot of
beans and rice and tortillas at members houses.
Doing good in El Salvador, doing good in Candelaria.
learning something new everyday.
elder flygare