Well I'm liking my new area here in El Mora in Molino haha.
When I came here we had 1 fetcha and this week we put two more. We have 3
fetchas for my dad's birthday, which is the 14th of March. We are going to
marry a family and baptize the mom and one of her sons. So I hope this is a
good birthday present for you dad. haha! I'm working hard out here:) So this
week we want to put anywhere from 2- 4 more fetchas. This area is super crazy.
Like crazy cool, haha and me and my comp are having so much fun here. He
completed 9 months the other day and I complete 6 months tomorrow:) Woah haha
I'm so excited. We are going to party it up:) haha!
Well this week we are going to eat dinner at a members house
and we're going to eat rabbit. I heard its really good and I wanna try it, so
I'll let you guys know how it is:) haha but it will probably taste like
chicken;) haha!
So yesterday we had to go home at 5 because elections were
yesterday. They said it could get dangerous so that's why we had to be home
before dark. haha but it's all good. We studied alot and I read more in the
Book of Mormon. I'm at Alma 4 in Spanish and I want to read about 10 more
chapters this week. I'm planning on finishing the Book of Mormon in June haha,
but it doesnt matter how fast you read it. It matters about what you learn from
it. So I want to invite you guys to set a goal, to finsih or start and finish
the Book of Mormon, because it has so many things we can apply into our daily
lives. So many things so help us through our challenges. So many things to lift
us up when we are feeling down. This book is inspired by the propghets of old
and they wrote it for us, so why not take advantage of this grand oportunity.
Love ya guys!
Elder Flygare