Sweet! Last week in this change! Almost 3 months done. Crazy
how long its been. So this week we had a
Thanksgiving lunch. We wrote our families a letter so family prepare for a
letter and then we ate lunch which was really good. I met up with my comp from
the MTC, Elder Rietveld. Sounds like he is doing great and his Spanish is good.
I remember when we would teach in the mtc, haha! If we taught lessons now I
think we would do so great. I know so much more Spanish.
So this week the other elders in our area had a baptism. The
girls name is Maria and she is 70 something years old. She was super happy
after and we went and had cake at her house. Her husband went to church with
us, he isn't a member or getting baptized, but he is 95 years old, haha and can
barely hear. He went to church and then got hungry and left to go get some
food, then no body could find him...a 95 year old guy ran away from church
haha. but he finally made it home yesterday and he is fine.
So our week was good for me and my comp. We had 31 lessons
and have tons of progressing investigators. So that's always good.
Well today for pday we are going to hike a huge mountain,
I'll take some pictures. it will probably be a 4 hour hike all together.
Well thats it for this week, talk to ya next week.
Elder Flygare