How are you guys doing back at home? I'm here in Turin
still!!! and I love this area and I love my new comp (not gayly). We are both
gringos! He is from Utah and his name is Elder Laing, I don't know if I told
you guys that last week but it is seriously so much fun. It's so good to have a
little break from talking Spanish every minute after 18 months. haha!
This week we watched the devotional for all the misisonaries
and I really learned alot. It was way good and I loved it. I just don't know
why they don't do that more often, and also this week we were able to listen to
Elder Cook at the temple. It was super sweet and his testimony was the best, I
have no doubt that they are apostles of God and that they are witnesses of him.
I love this gospel and this church. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and
I know that everyone can come to know that it is true, that's the great promise
that the Book of Mormon has. Read, ponder, and pray.
I love you guys.
Elder Flygare
The zone:)
The temple with my new comp!
I got to meet Cason's Trainer (he is from El Salvador)